Welcome to 2017!

Welcome to 2017! Wow -- it has been a while since my last blog but one of my desires for this year is to share more thoughts, prayers, ideas with you... So here goes:

The first thing I'd like to share with you is something that God has been trying to say to me for ages and it's finally dawning on me, slowly but surely, but I'm finally getting it... God wants all of us, all the time!!! It's mentioned several times in the Bible that He is a jealous God (Exodus 20:5, Deuteronomy 4:24, Joshua 24:19...). He doesn't want to constantly be put aside (or even forgotten), for transient things like sport, careers, material possessions, etc.

Through all of life's activities, both good and bad, God wants us to connect with Him, rely on Him, praise Him, adore Him... He wants all of it! In doing so, everything we are, the way we react to things, how we respond to people, it will all start reflecting Him more and isn't that what having a relationship with Christ is all about?

I'm not sure why it's such a difficult thing to "get"... Perhaps because we are inherently selfish? Greedy? Lazy perhaps? I'm not entirely sure but I'm realizing that it's one of those "ahaa" moments that make so much sense when we finally get it... 

I subscribe to this amazing newsletter via www.hisprincess.com which I highly recommend. I thought I'd share one of their Princess Letters as a little reminder. 

My Princess,

Choose to live for Me. I will bless you and your loved ones if you make that choice. Every tough time in which you obey Me will become a foundation of faith in your family. Your commitment to My call will carve character in the next generation. Every prayer you pray will become a blessing passed down. Your courage will continue to bring comfort to many during their difficult times. Trust in Me. I, your God, declare on this day that your children's children will be forever blessed, because you lived your life for an audience of one...Me!

Your King who gives you Life.

So as 2017 gets underway, let's press in. Let's open up to Him as we would to anyone we have a relationship with. We should bounce ideas off Him, praise and adore Him. We will be blessed AND we'll be a blessing to everyone around us...

Be blessed, & be a blessing...




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