A letter to my (almost) College kid

Hey College Kid… (well, almost!),

Oh my baby girl, as I type this, my tears are just flowing and flowing. I think it's a mixture of such excitement that you're on the brink of the next very big phase in your life… It's also mixed with such disappointment that I can't be with you this weekend, helping you move in and settle into Res. But probably most of all, it's tears of such awe of God -- how He has 'ordered your footsteps' to this point, making the rough road smooth, ironing out all the hiccups, making it possible for you to not only be studying in the UK (a HUGE privilege), but that you are getting to study what you are passionate about, what floats your boat, what adds a spring to your step! I am just so in awe and humbled by His hand over every step of your life up to this point! 

As I type this, I know that right now you are busy driving from Stratford upon Avon, with your
little car heavy laden with boxes and suitcases and pillows and pots… What a sight it must be!!! Your adventurous spirit is doing a happy dance as you navigate the motorway into the streets of London. You are one brave kid!! I love that you are adventurous, just promise me that you will always balance it with wisdom.

Enjoy your night with Amanda. Keep making those incredibly huge deposits into your FAMILY MEMORY BANK so that on those days and nights over the next few weeks and months, when you're in desperate need of some "family time", you can make a withdrawal from your overflowing memory bank account and yet still have plenty remaining.

And then tomorrow, as the two of you head out of London (with even more luggage I'm sure), remember to take plenty of photographs of your journey to your new home in Falmouth… This new phase will be jam-packed with learning, new friends, new surrounds, new routines, and even more independence (yipp – believe it!). But the learnings my angel, will not just be what you will be learning in the lecture room, or in the studio. You are going to be exposed to new cultures — learn from them. You are going to be exposed to different ways of doing things — embrace them. You are going to learn  to make really difficult decisions when everyone around you is encouraging you in another direction — learn to trust your instinct. You are going to bump heads with 'difficult people' -- learn from the experience because there will always be difficult people in your life. And you are going to make some of the most meaningful, sincere and amazing friendships along the way — treasure them, as many will remain with  you for the rest of your life.

Ashleigh through the ages...

The last 19.5 years have been the training ground for the next 3 years. Never forget: You are loved. You are rooted in God. You are sensible. You are practical. You are intelligent. You are independent. You are beautiful. And you are adventurous. I can sit here in Durban, South Africa, while you are somewhere on a motorway making your way into London (rush hour traffic I might add), with the blessed assurance that our loving heavenly Father has you in the palm of His hand. He has orchestrated this entire experience and I trust Him.

Now go and embrace this next phase with everything in you. Keep grounded. Keep focused. Keep learning. Keep exploring. Keep on keeping on…

I love you with every fibre of my being and am so grateful to God for letting me be your Mama!!! 


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