
My husband and I have just returned from the Alpha weekend away. I must be very honest and say that initially we were in two minds about attending Alpha as we've both been Christians for most of our lives and we understood Alpha to be all about the basics of Christianity. How wrong we were - it's that and sooooo much more!

Yes, the lessons are all about the fundamental principles of Christianity and serve as a great reminder to those who have been Christians for many years. But it's also about answering tough questions, connecting with people, exploring the meaning of life... 

The part that has really blown us away is the unexpected yet amazing relationships and friendships that have forged within our group. 
Our group Facilitator (middle) had the awesome privilege
of baptising two ladies in our group -- in the sea!
How amazing!
So if you're anything like the rest of us, regardless of where you are in your walk with God, you have questions... Alpha is the perfect forum within which to ask those questions!

If you have a few tough life questions that you want answered, or you feel you need a reminder of what following Jesus is all about, or even if you'd just like to connect with like-minded people, please consider attending an Alpha course. It's non-demonominational, it's non-bible punching, it's non-pressurised, and is guaranteed to change the way you think and remind you of what's important in life. 

If you are not sure when & where the closest Alpha course is taking place in your area, visit to find out more... it's so worth it! 


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