New Beginnings

I've always loved change. I love the challenge of new things and hate the rut of old. I love the adventure and excitement that comes along with trying something for the first time (like bungee jumping or surfskiing).

I have recently entered into a very 'exciting' chapter in my life. A rather important chapter which pretty much impacts on most areas of my life. I quit the security of the corporate world and have resurrected my PR practice, Giraffe Concepts. Adventurous? Yes! Challenging? Big time! Scared? For sure!

But, along with all that, I am secure in the knowledge that my footsteps are ordered by God. Before making the "big decision", I prayed and handed it over to God. And after the decision was made I had a comforting peace that I had made the right decision for all the right reasons (and no, seeking adventure wasn't the reason!).

All I know is that during this season of change and uncertainty, God has my today and tomorrow in the palm of His hand. He has my story all worked out and He has your story all worked out too! If He can feed and provide for the birds in the trees, He can provide for you and me -- emotionally, physically and spiritually.

So, when those 'scary thoughts' try to get comfortable in my mind at 4am, I will remind myself that:

Faith lights the way
Like a candle in the dark.
Brightening the rocky path and
Encouraging the faint of heart.

Faith strengthens the weary
With power sent from above.
And leads us ever deeper
Into God's unfailing Love.

~Audrey Jeanne Roberts


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