But what will people say?

I recently posed the following question on Twitter: "Which decisions would you make differently if you knew that nobody was going to judge you?". My own question has had me examine my motivations, my influences, my heart as I have gone about making decisions. I'll be the first one to say "Oh, don't let what people might think stop you from doing what you really want to do. Life is short! Go for it!" 

But... upon deeper reflection, when you stop and analyze each decision and take note of your train of thought as you are weighing up the pros and cons, well, you might realize (as I have) that influences are certainly there, whether they are faith based or fear based, people based or feelings based.

Influences are not all bad, in fact, they make us who we are. I am influenced by the way I was raised. I am influenced by the types of people I socialize with. I am influenced by my faith. But I am also influenced by society which is where the challenge arises because who says society is right? 

The problems arise when we forget who we are, what we believe in and what our opinions are because we are so busy trying to please everyone else in order to avoid disapproval. Newsflash: You will NEVER please everyone all the time!!! 

Here are a few quotes I found that should help put the above in perspective: 
  • Constantly worrying about what others think about you  takes your focus off of what God thinks about you.
  • You can’t please everyone, but you can please God
  • Love the approval of God more than the opinions of others.
  • If you let the opinions of others drive you it will put a ceiling on your success
  • Surround yourself with God-influences (not only good-influences)

So, know that there will ALWAYS be certain decisions where even your nearest and dearest won't agree with you. BUT, if your motivation for making the decision is based on all that you believe in and hold dear, THEN you can quite honestly say ""Oh, don't let what people might think stop you from doing what you really want to do. Life is short! If YOU feel it is the right decision, go for it!" And most importantly, don't worry about others might think -- worry about what God thinks!



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