
Showing posts from 2011

Seasons in life...

DRANKENSBERG - JULY 2011 Just like nature needs all four seasons, so, I believe, do we! Each and every season has a purpose and is required before we can move on to the next season. Durban has had a particularly cold winter this year with many Facebook statuses dedicated to the desperate desire for Winter to be over!! I must admit, though, that I've quite enjoyed winter this year! There are several benefits of going through a cold (& relatively long) Winter... Here are some of my personal favourites: - I get to finally wear a jersey/jumper/sweater - I might even get to wear a jacket / coat and scarf - I get to snuggle under a blankie, watch DVDs and drink hot chocolate without feeling guilty! - No mosquitos / bugs / flys Now that's all about the weather... In terms of a personal Winter season, believe it or not, but the benefits are there too. It's through our darkest days (long wintery nights) that we learn and grow. Our community was rattled recently a...

The best made plans...

One of the many benefits of being self-employed, I am slowly realizing, is the fact that I have many more "stolen moment" opportunities with my daughter. I have more flexibility now so I can drive her to school during exam time, pop in to the local coffee shop for a 'cuppa and a natter', and generally connect a lot more with her. This is not to say that we didn't connect when I was employed full-time, it's just that the pressure is off and the pace is now a little different {for now anyway:) }. During a recent 'stolen coffee moment', Ash and I were discussing things of the heart and how at a certain age, you imagine how your life is going to turn out. So when you're 12 going on 13, you picture your teenage years a certain way and either look forward to the adventure or not (as is so often the case). And then when you're 17 going on 18, you start imagining what your 'varsity' years are going to be like. And so life goes, always imagi...

New Beginnings

I've always loved change. I love the challenge of new things and hate the rut of old. I love the adventure and excitement that comes along with trying something for the first time (like bungee jumping or surfskiing). I have recently entered into a very 'exciting' chapter in my life. A rather important chapter which pretty much impacts on most areas of my life. I quit the security of the corporate world and have resurrected my PR practice, Giraffe Concepts. Adventurous? Yes! Challenging? Big time! Scared? For sure! But, along with all that, I am secure in the knowledge that my footsteps are ordered by God. Before making the "big decision", I prayed and handed it over to God. And after the decision was made I had a comforting peace that I had made the right decision for all the right reasons (and no, seeking adventure wasn't the reason!). All I know is that during this season of change and uncertainty, God has my today and tomorrow in the palm of His hand...

But what will people say?

I recently posed the following question on Twitter: "Which decisions would you make differently if you knew that nobody was going to judge you?". My own question has had me examine my motivations, my influences, my heart as I have gone about making decisions. I'll be the first one to say "Oh, don't let what people might think stop you from doing what you really want to do. Life is short! Go for it!"  But... upon deeper reflection, when you stop and analyze each decision and take note of your train of thought as you are weighing up the pros and cons, well, you might realize (as I have) that influences are certainly there, whether they are faith based or fear based, people based or feelings based. Influences are not all bad, in fact, they make us who we are. I am influenced by the way I was raised. I am influenced by the types of people I socialize with. I am influenced by my faith. But I am also influenced by society which is where the challenge arises ...

A first time for everything...

It's April 2011 and this is my very first blog post. A little slow on the uptake perhaps... Blogs have certainly been around for some time now but with my immanent departure from the corporate world (end April) this might be the first time that I'll have time to put 'fingers to the keyboard' and jot down thoughts and theories I have on theology, travel and other things on my mind. Blogging is different to Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn (the sum total of the social media sites that I subscribe to). It goes to the push / pull factor. You're reading this because you want to as apposed to having it appear on your News Feed or just because you 'Follow' me or are a 'connection'. So let's see how this goes and where it takes 'us'... Nothing ventured, nothing gained.