A letter to my (almost) College kid

Hey College Kid… (well, almost!), Oh my baby girl, as I type this, my tears are just flowing and flowing. I think it's a mixture of such excitement that you're on the brink of the next very big phase in your life… It's also mixed with such disappointment that I can't be with you this weekend, helping you move in and settle into Res. But probably most of all, it's tears of such awe of God -- how He has 'ordered your footsteps' to this point, making the rough road smooth, ironing out all the hiccups, making it possible for you to not only be studying in the UK (a HUGE privilege), but that you are getting to study what you are passionate about, what floats your boat, what adds a spring to your step! I am just so in awe and humbled by His hand over every step of your life up to this point! As I type this, I know that right now you are busy driving from Stratford upon Avon, with your little car heavy laden with boxes and suitcases and pillows and pots...