Seasons in life...

Just like nature needs all four seasons, so, I believe, do we! Each and every season has a purpose and is required before we can move on to the next season. Durban has had a particularly cold winter this year with many Facebook statuses dedicated to the desperate desire for Winter to be over!! I must admit, though, that I've quite enjoyed winter this year! There are several benefits of going through a cold (& relatively long) Winter... Here are some of my personal favourites: - I get to finally wear a jersey/jumper/sweater - I might even get to wear a jacket / coat and scarf - I get to snuggle under a blankie, watch DVDs and drink hot chocolate without feeling guilty! - No mosquitos / bugs / flys Now that's all about the weather... In terms of a personal Winter season, believe it or not, but the benefits are there too. It's through our darkest days (long wintery nights) that we learn and grow. Our community was rattled recently a...